Տեսեք թե ինչ պատահեց, երբ աղջիկը հրաժարվեց բավարարել երիտասարդի սեռական պահանջները (Մուտքը մեծահասակների համար)


Վերջերս համացանցում բուռն քննարկումների թեմա է դառնում Թայլանդում տեղի

ունեցած կնոջ  սպանության մասին լուրերը ( այդ մասին հայտնում է Metro UK -ը): Վիճաբանությունը տեղի է ունեցել 56-ամյա Կեվին Սմիթի և 29-ամյա Կանդա Սմիթ ամուսիների միջև: Ըստ թերթի` ամուսինը ցանկացել է սեքսով զբաղվել կնոջ հետ, սակայն վերջինս մերժել է ամուսնուն: Կնոջ ամուսինը դուրս է եկել հունից և տարբեր մարմնական վնասվածքներ հասցնելով ` սպանել է 29-ամյա կնոջը: Ոստիկանությունը կնոջ մարմինը հայտնաբերել է նրանց  տան բակում, արյունաքամ վիճակում: Տղամարդու սպանությունը իհարկե անպատիժ չի մնացել. նրան դատապարտել են 15 տարվա ազատազրկման:

Kevin Smitham, 51, right, and Kanda Smitham, 29, left.???NEWS COPY - WITH PICTURES A British man was arrested today (Mon) after allegedly kicking his wife to death after she refused to have sex with him. Kevin Smitham, 51, had been staying with wife Kanda Smitham, 29, and their parents in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, during the songkran new year holiday. But he is said to have flown into a jealous rage - accusing his wife of cheating on him when she refused to have sex on Sunday evening. Police said he kicked her to death then covered her body with a blanket then calmly went to bed. Shocked neighbours saw the body this morning and called authorities. Police arrived and found fitness fanatic Kanda's body - in only a pair of knickers - on the ground in front of the family's single-storey home this morning at 6.30am. Officers said they found Kevin standing by the side of the building. He allegedly confessed that he had repeatedly kicked Kanda. ??????SEE WIRE FOR FULL COPY -- MORE PICTURES OF SCENE TO FOLLOW

Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand - 16/04/2018. Police and paramedics with the body of Kanda Smitham after she was found dead having been allegedly kicked to death in a jealous rage by British husband Kevin Smitham.???NEWS COPY - WITH PICTURES A British man was arrested today (Mon) after allegedly kicking his wife to death after she refused to have sex with him. Kevin Smitham, 51, had been staying with wife Kanda Smitham, 29, and their parents in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, during the songkran new year holiday. But he is said to have flown into a jealous rage - accusing his wife of cheating on him when she refused to have sex on Sunday evening. Police said he kicked her to death then covered her body with a blanket then calmly went to bed. Shocked neighbours saw the body this morning and called authorities. Police arrived and found fitness fanatic Kanda's body - in only a pair of knickers - on the ground in front of the family's single-storey home this morning at 6.30am. Officers said they found Kevin standing by the side of the building. He allegedly confessed that he had repeatedly kicked Kanda. ??????SEE WIRE FOR FULL COPY -- MORE PICTURES OF SCENE TO FOLLOW



British man 'kicked Thai wife to death because she wouldn't have sex with him'

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